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Lupus Pendragon




Ice Winterland
Player ID: 164835
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Regeneration : 9
Energetic immunity : 19
Trade sense : 10
Briskness : 9
Initiative : 2
Defence : 11
Attack : 26
Power : 4
Luck : 1
Volition : 6
Time Principle = 8
Principle of Light = 6
Principle of Imagination = 16
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 163 | Lost: 216
Honor: 4961
MindPower: 3
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If no one cares for you, do you really exist?

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I used to look like this: cold, hard, and ruthless. Rude, annoying, heartless. Dramatic, pathetic, and stupid.

(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).

But I am much better. A year stuck on Golemus Golemicarum has made sure of that.

I am Ice Winterland.

Nestled in the Valley of the North, wrested in between mountains on all sides, there was a kingdom but of Elves, Elves born of the bright green leaves of the summer, and the white snow of the winter.

 A little Elf named Ice Winterland was born to a wealthy Elf family in the hardest part of winter. She never got to see her friends or do anything she wanted outside of home because being born in winter was a bad omen. She was born with the power to control cold weather. People who were threat to her were often times found frozen solid in their own homes. Everyone knew who the culprit was, but everyone was afraid of her father.

Her parents arranged her to marry a boy named Estelon when she was fifteen. The moment they met, they fell in love. But then, something happened that Ice did not intend.


One day, Estelon called upon her late in the evening, when the rest of the land was comfortly nestled in the nooks and crannies of Sleep. When Ice had sleepily answered him with hollow tones, he said it was a surprise for her. Stumbling about with weariness, she followed him out of the village toward the Forbidden Mountains.

Halfway up the tallest mountain, Estelon suddenly stopped, causing Ice to bump into him. "What is it?" Ice asked irritably. Estelon put a finger to his lips.

"Listen," he whispered. Ice ceased her heavy breathing and did as he asked. At first only the buzzing silence was heard, along with the far way sound of a blacksmith starting the day. Then she heard it. A slight wooshing noise, as if water were being pushed back in forth in a giant tub. As they got closer to the mountain's only cave, the noise became louder and louder.

Upon entering the wet cave, a wave of light hit the two Elves, and Ice had to sheild her gray eyes from the torrent of light. Mustering up the strength to look without being blinded, she slowly raised her eyes, and what she saw both disgusted her and took her breath away.

A huge mass of green liquid was suspended in midair, grossly pulsing greenish light. As it swirled, it flung droplets of itself across the cave which was why it was so wet. At each pulse, images surfaced of great warriors moving across barren land, carrying torches; strange creatures battling as an assorment of people jeered them on; a man trapped behind iron bars, crying and moaning to be let free. Some images were even wonderful. A small child toddled across a field to his mother; a white stallion running across a field of broken sheilds and swords; a man and woman swirling to music at a carnival.

Suddenly, she was pushed from behind toward the pulsating monster. Ice was sucked into the portal of images.

Her last image of her world was Estelon cackling maniacally as she screamed and thrashed to be let free of the swirling mass.


The portal heaved Ice out of its depths onto a hardwood floor, then disappeared with a sucking noise. She found herself in a small, cosy cabin. it was furnished with a wooden desk, a chair, and a couch that been sat on too many times. The desk was cluttered with old maps and papers, ink and quills, and a globe labeled "MD" in large, swirling letters. The wall was plastered with a map, also labeled "MD." A ladder led up to a square opening in the roof, and she could hear the sounds of an ocean wafting through the open door.

A man sat behind the desk, reading a book. When she landed on the floor, he didn't even look up.

"Hello," he said lazily. "Welcome to MagicDuel."

He had said it a hundred times. And he would say it a hundred times more.




Name: Ice Winterland

Names Called: Miss Winterland, Ice

Age: 1,254 (Elf years), 25 (human years)

Description: Blonde, almost white hair; blue eyes with a swimmy look; petite, and very skinny; porpotional for size

Attire: Long, white dress; brown sandals

Personality: Nervous; blushes alot; shy; kind

Likes: the color green, mice, cats, insects, water, snow

Dislikes: dishonesty, meaness, unrest

(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).


Who is that girl?

Once a devil, always a devil they say

I beg to differ


"Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, and I--

I took the one less traveled by

And that has made all the difference."

-The Road Not Taken, Robert Frost


I woke up in the morning

And rose up out of the East Mountains

I began my travels across the sky

When I was done

I settled into the West Mountains

And watched the moon take my place


Before I woke up

I saw soaring castles

Diving mermaids

Flying faeries

And lumbering beasts

So, please, sir

Which way is it

To Dream-land?


I am like the silent snake that no one notices

That was born small

Never reaching the expections

Hiding and waiting in the tall grass

Then, suddenly striking out

Tearing its' fangs into the heart of its victim


Some of my creatures
Hollow Warrior

I am the Seventh Star

Little known fact:

                Of all the people in the world

                                        Very few TRULY know the meaning of love

                                             Everyone hates, but do any of us TRULY love?


Note: "Hate" backwards is "etah." If one were to take off the 'h' it would be "eta" which means the seventh star in a contellation. I think I'd much rather be the seventh star in a contellation than hate somebody, wouldn't you?


Cna yuo raed tihs?
Olny 58% of plepoe can.

I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!
if yuo cna raed tihs, palce it in yuor porfiel

Page 1 - Golemus Wizard quest
Some crazy wizard is experimenting with the dream world in Golemus Golemicarum. Seems that his actions upset the dark forces of Necrovion. A hero is requested to go on a quest to see whats going on there. IF he returns successfuly he will be greatly rewarded, if he fails...his account will be doomed and locked forever in a Necrovion prison or the crazy wisard might turn him into a weird animal or something. It is rumored that the dark shades are allready testing players to see who fits their requirements. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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